OMA Ömer Atiker Holding

International Gas Show 2017 Fair

The international GasShow 2017 LPG/CNG Autogas Fair, which brings together the LPG & CNG industry, was held in Warsaw, Poland, between 7-8 / 04 / 2017 / at the Warsaw International EXPO XXI Fair center. At the fair we attended with our company ATİKER BULGARIA, our stand attracted great attention from consumers and visitors from … Read more

ATİKER Ukraine Dealer Network Representatives Visited Our Factory in April 2017

In April 2017, ATİKER Ukraine dealer network representatives visited our factory. Representatives of the company ‘Altema’, which has the sole distributor in Ukraine, accompanied our dealers. For many dealers, it was not their first visit to a factory producing autogas system equipment, but Atiker surprised everyone with its capacity, and most importantly, the complete production … Read more

Great Interest in the Training Meeting…

The first program training for ATİKFAST group LPG devices produced by Atiker was held. There was great interest in the training meeting organized by Atiker Istanbul and Marmara Regional distributor Taşkın Otogaz and attended by foremen of all regional dealers. At the meeting attended by all dealers in Istanbul, Edirne, Kırklareli, Tekirdağ provinces and districts, … Read more

World Of Liquefied And Compressed Gases Uluslararası Gaz Fuarı

NSC «Olimpiyskiy» spor kompleksinde Kiev/Ukrayna’da 7-8 Eylül 2017 tarihleri arasında 16.Ulusrararası Gaz Fuarı gerçekleştirildi. Dünya çapında tanınmış firmaların katıldığı fuarda Atiker Ukraine firması da katılımcılar arasında yerini aldı. Standımız her zamanki gibi yoğun bir ilgiyle karşılandı. Bir sonraki fuarda görüşmek dileğiyle…

Visit from Atiker Thailand Dealers

Dealers of ATİKTA, which is part of the Atiker Group of Companies and serves in Thailand, came to our country to inspect our factory. All dealers of ATİKTA in the region came to Konya with ATİKTA General Manager Özkan Sarıkaya, saw the production stages of our factory, and after the visit, they went to Antalya. … Read more

Atiker Flag at the Peak of the Pamir Mountains

TACİKİSTAN sınırları içinde kalan Pamir Dağları’na çıkan Atiker Rusya Distribütörü OOO Marafon firmasının yetkilileri MARKELOV ALEKSANDR ve LUTFULLIN ZHAMIL, Komünizm Tepesi ve Korjenevskaya Tepesi’nin zirvesine tırmanarak Atiker’i gururlandırdılar. Elde edilen başarıyı kutlar kendilerine teşekkür ederiz.