Konya Chamber of Commerce (KTO) Delegation attended the Economy, Trade and Investment Forum in Benin. Turkey – Benin Economy, Trade and Investment Forum was hosted by Benin Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Konya Chamber of Commerce (KTO) President Selçuk Öztürk, in his speech at the forum, expressed his satisfaction with the development of bilateral relations between Konya and Benin. Turkey’s Ambassador to Cotonou Mesut Koç, Benin Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIB) Arnauld Akakpo and representatives of the Benin business world attended the program. Konya Chamber of Commerce delegation included Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors Fahrettin Doğru, Lütfi Can Başaran, KTO Karatay University Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees Ramazan Biberci and Ömer Atiker Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ömer Atiker Holding was present. At the forum, where Benin Chamber of Commerce President Arnauld Akakpo made the opening speech, Turkey’s Koton Ambassador Mesut Koç gave information about the potential of commercial relations between Turkey and Benin.

Atiker Software Reached 10 Thousand Students
Atiker Yazılım, which continues its software development seminars for secondary school and university students